Software Solutions

Cross-Platform Migration or Design

The challenge to operating in today’s fast-paced world is maintaining the digital transformation to stay “relevant.” That often requires you to migrate or update website design and development across different platforms – and we can help!


Experience with your unique platform

Everyone from e-commerce moguls to organizational websites to individual brands functions with hosting unique to their specific tech stack. We use the latest tools for backing up, migrating, and updating these systems so they are universally accepted and accessible when needed.


Data & Personalized Retention

The last thing you want to deal with is losing critical systems, apps, plugins, or data when moving from one web platform to another. We will complete a full backup of all your information and translate this into new solutions on your chosen platform.


Mobile Responsiveness

Maybe you have an outdated WordPress theme or legacy HTML-coded website that isn’t translating well to smaller device screens. Our creative team has the experience and expertise to infuse your older websites with mobile responsive designs that never sacrifice UI/UX, branding, or functionality.


Boost Competitive Value

Without a mobile responsive web presence, you cannot remain competitive in today’s market. Over half of online consumers rely on smartphones or tablets to view your website. We boost your competitive advantage using fully mobile resizing features and modern integration for all device viewing.



We use an intuitive cross-platform migration or design cycle to ensure you have complete access to the process and can provide feedback for a quality outcome.

Assessment & Planning

Migration and design must begin with a solid understanding of your existing digital assets. This allows our advanced team to evaluate current architectures, dependencies, and performance metrics so we can develop clear expectations of the project scope and timeline.


Platform Selection & Strategy

The technology we chose together is crucial for your successful migration. We’ll provide insights into the various frameworks aligned with your business and technical needs so we can craft a tailored migration strategy that considers data integrity, compatibility, and enhancements.


Design & Adaptation

Time to bring your new system to life. Our UI/UX designers will re-envision your app or website’s interface, adapting everything for functional consistency and aesthetics across any device so you can provide valuable feedback for improvements.


Migration & Intergration

This step is the actual coding, development, and migration of your various digital assets. We manage all parameters of the process, including data transfer, API integrations, and cross-platform compatibility checks to ensure minimal downtime.


Testing, Deployment & Improvement

Our team will conduct thorough testing to ensure all migration is complete. Before we deploy, we double-check that all assets meet quality standards and then monitor post-launch for ongoing optimization.

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