Home and Industrial Automation

We build easy-to-understand systems that control and monitor a house or building's electrical appliances, security systems, and lighting. These integrate with most modern devices, from Google Voice Assistant to Apple.


Reduce Human Intervention

Automation is all around us. Every day we use applications and smart devices to streamline everything from asking about the weather to creating a more adaptive production process at our workplaces. Our team will enhance these systems by crafting unique automation that meets your needs.


Manage Everything from One Location

We create automation that simplifies processes by having everything run through a single access point. This could be a smart device in your home or an existing system at your industrial location.


Remote Functionality

Our design team loves introducing remote access points and functionality to any automation. We want your end-user to feel they can operate this new system from anywhere in the world, so production or home efficiencies are never missed.


Improved Insights

We often include an insights function into your automation, so the end-user can better understand how the new system is improving their personal, home, or business lives. This allows your product to be more authoritative so others will seek similar requests from your business.



We use an intuitive home/industrial automation cycle to ensure you have complete access to the process and can provide feedback for a quality outcome.


We write down your product idea and include all features, configurations, target customers, market gaps, competition, and exiting tech stacks to plan a roadmap forward.


Preliminary Design

We address any gaps between the design concept and the actual product from a system-wide approach to reduce any flaws.



We create an interactive model that bridges design concepts to hardware products to evaluate all of the features and elements of your requirements.



We finalize all design elements and include any feedback from our team and yours to ensure a quality product that can be actively tested.



Once our design is ready, we will deploy a soft version for your feedback, iterate any changes, and then launch the final result.

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